Expert Business Entity Formation Service in Nigeria

SplashDict can assist you with Nigerian Business Entity Formation and Registration quickly, efficiently, and seamlessly. 

What sets us apart?  It's the way we work!

We provide easy Business Entity Formation and Registration services that enable people and organization to set up various types of Business structures entirely online.

Let SplashDict's experienced and CAC-accredited Chartered Secretaries take care of every step of the Entity Formation process while you focus on building your business. 

We also offer professional expert advice, assist clients throughout the Entity formation process, and provide additional corporate Secretarial services and ongoing support to Business owners.


Our quick services provide clients with what they need more quickly.


Ensuring the highest possible standard of accuracy and quality is our goal.


Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing the best possible customer service.


Our cost effective rates and flexible options are the smart solution for your business.

Business structures

We offer comprehensive registration services for various business structures, catering to diverse needs and preferences. Here are the types of business structures we can register for you:

Business Name Registration

A business name, also known as Enterprise - is the fastest and most convenient form of doing business by a sole proprietor or partnership in a more recognizable form.

We are dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and business owners in Nigeria register their business names quickly, easily, and affordably.


We register the following Business Name types:

  • Sole Proprietorship: Ideal for individual entrepreneurs; Simple structure with a single owner.
  • General Partnership: Shared ownership among partners.

Company Incorporation

Incorporating a Company provides the organization with legal status and enjoys the benefit of being a separate legal entity from its owners.

SplashDict specializes in providing the best and fastest company incorporation and registration services in Nigeria. Leveraging our expertise, we streamline the process, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and delivering incorporation documents promptly.

We register the following Private and Public company types:

  • Limited Company:  Offers Limited Liability to shareholders (LTD and PLC).
  • Unlimited Company: Allows flexibility but entails unlimited liability.
  • Guarantee Company: Ideal for nonprofits, Members act as guarantors rather than shareholders.

Non-Profit Formation

If your organization is involved primarily in educational, scientific, sports, public safety, religious, or charitable endeavors, you'll probably want to form a nonprofit corporation for the liability protections, access to grants, and tax advantages this status provides.

SplashDict offers Non-Profit Organization registration services in Nigeria. We recognize the significance of appropriate registration in advancing your noble cause, and our team of in-house experts is ready.


We register the following Non-Profit Organization types:

  • Incorporated Trustee: Trustees manage and hold assets for the organization's non-profit purposes.
  • Company Limited by Guarantee: Members act as guarantors rather than Shareholders. 

Partnership Firm Registration

A partnership firm is where two or more persons or groups come together to establish a business and divide its profits in the agreed ratio. Whether initiating a new partnership or formalizing an existing one, SplashDict's services are tailored to your needs.

We don't stop at registration; our support continues post-registration, helping you understand the ongoing responsibilities of operating a registered partnership firm.

We register the following Partnership Firm types:

  • General Partnership: Shared ownership among partners.
  • Limited Partnership: Includes both general and limited partners.
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP): Combines elements of partnerships and corporations.

By registering your business in Nigeria, you not only comply with legal requirements but also unlock a range of benefits that contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of your enterprise, including:

Legal Recognition

Registration provides your business with legal recognition, establishing its existence as a separate legal entity.

Credibility and Trust

Registered business inspires trust among customers, clients & partners, enhancing its credibility in the market.

Name Protection

Registering your business gives you a certain uniqueness, monopoly, and exclusive rights to your business name.

Limited Liability

Certain business structures, like Limited Liability Companies, offer protection, shielding personal assets from business debts.

Raising Capital

Investors are likely to invest in a registered business entity rather than an unregistered business that has no formal structure in place.

Obtain License

In certain industries, obtaining a certificate of business registration is a prerequisite for securing an operating license.


Unregistered business in Nigeria, mandated by law, faces fines if not registered within 28 days of operation commencement.

Access to Financing

Registered businesses may find it easier to access loans and grants from financial institutions and government agencies.

Bank Account

A corporate bank account is essential for professionalism, separating expenses, and gaining customer trust. Registering your business is a prerequisite. 

Global Opportunities

Registered businesses are better positioned to explore international markets and engage in global business activities.

Facilitation of Transactions

Business registration facilitates transactions with banks, suppliers, and other entities, streamlining business operations.

Corporate Image

Registration enhances the corporate image of your business, contributing to its professional appearance and reputation.


Here are some common frequently asked questions (FAQs) along with their answers related to Business Entity Formation:

Registration is crucial for legal recognition, liability protection, access to certain benefits, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Each entity has its advantages and disadvantages, so which entity to choose depends on what the company intends to do.

A business name/enterprise is just you doing business with another name, meaning that the business is not separate from you. While a company is a legal entity separate from you.

Company is usually the best form of legal status as it ensures you are not liable in case of ‘business gone bad'. It is also easier to expand into more business ventures, register subsidiaries, and more with a company. Business name can’t offer you this freedom.

You can sell your shares in a company to raise capital. Investors also prefer a company to invest in. That, you can’t do or get with a business name.

If your dream is to have your business outlive you- to transfer the ownership to your upcoming generations, then the company is the way to go. You can have your kids as shareholders. That, you can’t get with a business name.

A foreigner can fully participate in the operation of any enterprise in Nigeria except enterprises on the negative list (which largely relates to the manufacturing of firearms and other military materials).

The foreigner may operate alone or in Joint ventures with Nigerians by means of a company, which has to be formed and registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and with the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC).

SplashDict has a full registration package for foreigners package that includes all the necessary permits, registered address, bank account opening, etc.

LP is a partnership arrangement with at least one general partner and at least one limited partner. The liabilities of a general partner are unlimited, while the liabilities of a limited partner are limited unless he partakes in the management of the partnership.

An LP should consist of not more than 20 persons and the name of an LP should end with the word “Limited Partnership” or the abbreviation “LP”.

The LLP is a partnership arrangement with a legal personality, separate from the partners. The liabilities of the partners of an LLP are limited to the amount agreed to be contributed or outstanding in the event of winding up.

An LLP shall have at least two “designated partners” who would be responsible for compliance with the requirements of the Act of the LLP. The designated partners should be individuals, at least one of whom must be a resident of Nigeria.

Business Entity Formation Service in Nigeria

We’ve got the expert insights your business needs. Check out our resource center to learn more about Business Entity Registration:

Corporate Services

Once a Business Entity is set up, we provide a range of Corporate services to keep it in good standing allowing clients to focus on their core business:

Business Entity Formation Service in Nigeria

From pre-incorporation to post-incorporation issues, our expertise cuts across different industries and we understand the unique challenges startups in Nigeria face.

  • Re-registration of Business Name as Limited Liability Company.
  • Re-registration and Conversion of Company Limited by Shares as Unlimited Company.
  • Re-registration and Conversion of Private Limited Company (LTD) as Public Liability Company (PLC).



A company rarely remains in the exact position that it was at the time of its incorporation. Many changes occur in a company’s business structure that CAC must be given notice of. 

SplashDict offers an extensive range of post-incorporation services relating to the structural changes of a Company. We'll prepare and file all appropriate documentation.

  • Filing of Annual Returns with Corporate Affairs Commission.
  • Facilitate changes in company structure or objectives.
  • Handle alterations to Entity / Member / Trustee / Shareholder / Proprietor /  Partners' details.
  • Assist in amending constitution / articles of association or memorandum.
  • Manage changes in share capital and Facilitate share transfers and issuance.
  • Deregistration of companies or Filing of Cessation of Business Name.


Whether you're incorporating a new company or managing compliance with ever-changing local legislation, you're likely to find yourself in need of administrative support. Which is where we step in!

We can help you by managing board meetings and circulating briefing documents; preparing and managing data rooms for due diligence purposes; ensuring all statutory returns and fees are submitted; drafting corporate documents and agreements; arranging for staff to go on secondment to client teams for short-term secretarial projects; and corresponding with local authorities. ​


We offer a range of services for intellectual property (IP) Protection in Nigeria. Our services provide you with a fast, efficient, and cost-effective route for protecting your inventions, trademarks, or works.

Copyright secures Creative or intellectual creations; Trademarks secure the branding under which products and services are sold; Patent secures inventions that are useful for the world and have some use. 

Our dedicated IP team will take over the administrative burden to ensure your rights are registered, managed, and protected. 


Every company requires policies and procedures, usually in the form of policy manuals. They are clearly laid out to employees so that they completely understand them, and that their performance meets regulatory standards.

Our team of technical writers includes people who have exclusively dedicated themselves to putting together informative, concise, and easy-to-read policy manuals. They draft documents that will allow your employees to carry out their jobs per your organization’s requirements. Having to constantly train and remind employees what is expected of them is costly and a waste of time.


We can provide you with consultancy services to assist you with obtaining the necessary licenses and permits for your business.

We have staff who are familiar and experienced with the nuances of various industries in Nigeria and have assisted numerous companies in applying for their required business licenses.

Our business license services consist of:

  • Research and information on applicable licenses
  • Assistance with filing of an application for relevant license(s)
  • Responding to requests for additional information from the government
  • We can assist with obtaining business permits and licenses in some industries in particularly education, financial advisory services, recruitment, and the travel industry, to name just a few.